• Do you want your organisation to take action on domestic abuse, but don’t know where to start?

    We have created the EIDA Foundation Programme in response to our members’ requests for an introduction to how employers can support colleagues impacted by domestic abuse.

    The three-session programme provides step-by-step guidance as you start to implement an effective domestic abuse response within your organisation. The programme is based on learnings from our collective of over 1,300 EIDA member employers and is directly informed by the experience of survivors of domestic abuse. Each session is half a day, with an additional 1-1 follow-up session.

    Session 1: Making a commitment and taking the first steps

    Session 2: Implementing your domestic abuse response

    Session 3: Embedding your domestic abuse response for the long term

    The EIDA team and external speakers will support you to establish policies and guidance, and to implement a long-term strategy. You will join a small group of other employers and be able to share insights and best practice.

    For more information or to book a place, click the link below or contact Ayesha@eida.org.uk

    Foundation Programme Flyer