EIDA ambassadors are vocal advocates for our cause, helping us raise awareness of the role employers can play in tackling domestic abuse.

They include courageous survivors of domestic abuse.

"It is shocking how many people are silently living out their lives under the shadow of domestic abuse. The workplace is, for some, the only place they feel safe. It doesn’t matter how senior or educated we might be - abuse knows no boundaries and can affect all of us. I was a Managing Director at one of the biggest banks in the world, but they never knew I was hiding my bruises and broken bones. I narrowly escaped with my life and am passionate about using my experience to help others. We need to make the workplace a sanctuary for those living in fear."

Sally Benatar QPM

London Sport Vice-Chair, former Metropolitan Police officer
"One of my police colleagues said to me when I told him about my situation: “If domestic abuse can happen to the Borough Commander, it can happen to anyone!” I agree with this. It took me a long time to acknowledge that I was in a controlling and abusive marriage and I used work as my refuge to hide what was happening at home. I’m determined to help employers recognise their responsibilities to raise awareness and to provide support and signposting to their staff impacted by domestic abuse."
Sam Billingham’s experience of domestic abuse highlights the critical impact an employer can have on the wellbeing of a victim. After reporting her abuse, Sam was fired, leaving her in a more vulnerable position, and also making her feel further isolated and alone. For employers, there are key lessons to be learnt from her experiences. Businesses do not have to save their employees from abuse, but those that acknowledge, address, and adapt to support domestic abuse victims can make a vital difference in their lives.

Sarah Brown

“As a survivor of domestic abuse, I’m keen to raise awareness by sharing my experiences. I have lost jobs because I was dealing with domestic abuse and companies were not equipped to help and support me. I want other victims to know that things are changing. Fortunately, more and more employers are in a place now where they can support their employees, especially with help and guidance from EIDA. No-one suffering from domestic abuse needs to feel isolated as resources are available to get through the difficult times.”
Charlotte’s story highlights the daunting challenges that victims can face when navigating the family court system. In her case, magistrates had little to no experience of domestic abuse. Forced to represent herself, Charlotte had to face her perpetrator, a drug addict who had already been arrested for attacking her, and who was subjecting her to post-separation abuse. For employers, there are lessons to be learnt around understanding what victims go through during court proceedings, and how best to support their employees during the process.
David Challen is a domestic abuse campaigner, survivor, advisor and keynote speaker. He successfully campaigned to free his mother, Sally Challen, after almost a decade in prison in a landmark appeal in 2019 that made national and international news, having fought to recognise the lifetime of coercive control she suffered. David continues to speak out against men's violence against women, coercive control and the impact of domestic abuse on children, as well as men's role in tackling misogyny.

Natalie Curtis

Safety & Sustainability Specialist, Balfour Beatty
“I’m absolutely passionate about raising awareness and educating others on Domestic Abuse. My employer’s response was very supportive, I’m always thankful for their constant support. It’s time to talk openly about Domestic Abuse to help end the stigma. We only have to look at the heart-breaking statistics to see how many victims/survivors are affected by this devastating crime.”
"Having been involved in domestic abuse in a personal and professional manner for many years and having seen the impact of domestic abuse, which affects every aspect of a person’s life, EIDA and its reach has such an important role to play in offering support and guidance to employers to offer the essential ingredients to assist anyone who may be going through domestic abuse. I am privileged to be an ambassador of EIDA and look forward to meeting organisations and assisting them on their journey to offering support to their employees."
"Domestic Abuse doesn’t respect office hours, and no one leaves their home life at the door when they enter the workplace. For victims and survivors of domestic abuse, their employer can be a lifeline – whether as a listening ear, a source of reassurance, or a gateway to support in rebuilding shattered confidence. EIDA plays a vital role in helping employers navigate these complex responsibilities and, having experienced the difference a supportive, informed employer can make, I could not be more proud to represent them as an ambassador."
Sharon Livermore almost lost her life at the hands of her abuser in her workplace car park one evening. Her story highlights the critical role that employers can play in supporting employees who are at risk, including after they have left an abusive relationship. It also demonstrates the importance of further education and learning for employers. Organisations who are able to put policies and frameworks in place around domestic abuse can make a vital difference.
Click on Sharon's photo for her full story.

Rajinder Pryor MBE

“Domestic abuse knows no barriers be it age, gender or cultures to name a few. It is something that can impact anyone from all walks of life and comes with a myriad of emotions which stay with you for a very long time if not forever. It affects individuals, families and even generations who can become trapped in the cycle of domestic abuse, in its various forms. So, for these reasons I have a deep-seated passion for the cause and it’s a real privilege to be an Ambassador representing EIDA. The workplace should be a safe space for everyone where we can seek guidance if needed. Through EIDA I’m committed to adding my voice to assist employers to support their employees who may be experiencing domestic abuse. I’m keen to engage, educate, empower others, and edit out domestic abuse from lives – just as I have done from mine.”

Tunu Sokiri

Advocate against Domestic Abuse and EIDA Ambassador. "In a world where the effects of domestic abuse extend to the office, the workplace can often become a vital sanctuary for many. Employers can help create a pathway to rebuild confidence for survivors. EIDA's pivotal role in guiding businesses through these responsibilities resonates deeply with me; having navigated the challenges of domestic abuse as a child. I proudly represent EIDA, aligning efforts for a world where everyone can escape the dissonance of abuse. My goal is to provide genuine support for those impacted by domestic abuse. Through workplace initiatives, increased communication, and progressive policies, I want to help create more supportive workplaces for both survivors and victims of domestic abuse. I am honoured to serve as an EIDA Ambassador, advocating for a world where everyone can live free from abuse, isolation, and silence."

Shital V

Founder of FREE2bYou, Associate Domestic Abuse trainer with SafeLives
"It is my honour to be an Ambassador for EIDA. I believe that everyone should experience and 'live' life without abuse, feeling trapped, suffering in silence or isolation.

"I am committed to raising awareness on Domestic Abuse and healthy relationships. I believe empowerment and education are the keys to building a firm foundation and making a difference to individual lives and the wider community."